What To Check Before Buying Health Insurance?

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How to cope with the expenses of health issues? Well, No one plans to get ill or get hurt intentionally, right? The best solution is Health Insurance. Most of the time, people may avoid buying this health insurance, until and unless they are not aware of the consequences of it. There are different types of health insurance policies and they carry different benefits. Like the Individual Health Insurance policy, Family Floater Health Insurance policy, Senior Citizen Health Insurance Policy, and the last Group health insurance policy. Health Insurance is a kind of a living benefit or a new life.

First, let us know what exactly is Health Insurance. 

It is like a contract or a document between you and the company, a company meaning an insurance company. It’s like by this contract or a document whenever you face any medical emergency the whole financial burden is upon the insurer.

 Let’s look into the things to be considered before buying Health Insurance:

1. Always determine the scope of it. Always have a good knowledge of the coverage of the plan and the conditions related to it because being unaware of the plan will lead to nothing.

 2. Always check that the insurance policy is covering all the family members. Opted for different categories according to their age group. For Example: For your parents, go for a separate senior citizen policy thing. Well, the best part of this separate senior citizen policy is that it offers an additional tax benefit.

 3. Do check that the health insurance plan for which you are opting should cover up all the necessary coverage features that every individual does need for themselves and their family.

4. Always keep in mind to buy a health insurance policy as soon as possible because it is going to be beneficial in the long term. Always keep your future in mind, before buying a health insurance policy.

 5. The age factor is a thing that plays a very important role here. Before buying any health insurance always keep this in mind to check the age criteria before finalizing any health insurance policy. If you are not aware of this, it will be a beneficial thing for you to know that even these health insurances also have some particular entry age limit, even though many plans do have a min age limit of 25 to 50 years. There are some plans that do not have any age limit for entry.

6. Always note the right waiting period. If you are aware of this waiting period thing so obviously you are in a better position to make the right decision. The waiting period shall be considered to apply for diseases like diabetes, thyroid, and blood pressure. Do always compare and choose a particular plan that has a proper waiting period.

7. The best benefit of this health insurance policy is that at a crucial time it saves the person from all this ridiculous medical paperwork.

Health Insurance Tips before buying health insurance:

 1. Before buying any health insurance policy, research all the different types of policies. It gives a proper idea about the policy that is available in the health insurance policy.

 2. Always keep in mind before finalizing anything, do read carefully all the terms and conditions and read and analyze them properly.

 3. Do customize your health insurance policy with all the better plans for better coverage and do add only those plans that are helpful for you and your family members.

 4. Before buying anything, whether it is a Health insurance policy or any particular thing or product do read the reviews, and the customer reviews before finalizing it.

 5. Do check that the insurer should have the benefit of having a cashless network.

 6. Always have a clear point of view between Individual policy and floater policy.

 7. Make yourself completely clear of all the facts and health diseases of you and your family.

 8. Always understand the terms and conditions related to diabetic patients. As sometimes they do have some different rules for diabetic patients.

 9. Check the terms and conditions as it might be possible that the policy does carry some therapies, for example – the Ayurveda therapies. 

After talking about the Health Insurance tips. It’s important to discuss the TO DOS when applying for a health insurance cover.

Health Insurance Policy TO DOS :

 1. Always keep in mind to have good research upon whether the policy carries any restrictions on the mentioned coverage or not.

 2. Before going for any particular insurance policy do check the details and terms and conditions it carries.

 3. Disclose all the health-related issues of you and your family to the insurer.

 4. Start with your payment procedure only after you are sure that your proposal has been accepted by the particular company.

 5. Make yourself ready with all the medical test reports.

 6. If a particular policy matches your medical requirements so do make sure that you make payments regularly.

Here are some of the basic insurance plans that you can consider –

1. Total Coverage.

2. Day Care Procedures.

3. Individual Coverage.

4. Floater Coverage.

5. Health Check-Up.

6. Emergency Ambulance.

This particular document covers the whole medical expenses which may arise at a particular age. As the cost of this whole medical treatment is rising day by day continuously, as a human being, no one knows how one disease can drain away all its life-saving in just a sec. It’s always a good idea to have a health insurance policy as early as possible.

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