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Family Travel Insurance
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Know More About Family Travel Insurance

A family travel insurance plan is made to protect the complete family when traveling together. It offers a defense against a range of risks and unforeseen occurrences that might take place when traveling, including medical emergencies, trip delays or cancellations, lost or delayed baggage, and other problems associated with travel.

Features Of Family Travel Insurance
  • Medical Coverage
    This covers protection for unexpected medical costs, hospitalization, and medical evacuation should it be required while traveling.
  • Trip Cancellation And Interruption
    Your travel insurance may be able to pay you for the non-refundable costs if your trip is cut short or canceled due to unforeseeable events like illness, injury, or natural disasters.
  • Baggage And Personal Belongings
    It covers any baggage and personal property that is lost, stolen, or damaged while you are traveling.
  • Travel delay
    If your vacation is delayed for a particular amount of hours, the insurance may pay for additional lodging and travel costs.
  • Emergency Assistance
    Family travel insurance policies frequently include continuous emergency help options. This includes having access to a helpline for medical assistance, travel suggestions, and emergency service coordination.
Inclusion And Exclusion In Family Travel Insurance Plan
  • Inclusion in family travel insurance
    • Medical cover
    • Passport loss
    • Trip cancellation
    • Baggage loss
    • Missed departure
    • Flight delay
    • Bounced booking
  • Exclusion In Family Travel Insurance Plan
    • Baggage exclusions
    • Journey exclusions
    • Medical exclusions

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